BCDC has developed the Draft San Francisco Bay Plan Climate Change Policy Guidance to communicate the application of its Climate Change policies more widely and consistently with permit applicants, local jurisdictions and the public at large. This document offers concise and transparent guidance on the Commission’s policies, example permit language, and technical guidance on using the best available science to select sea level rise projections and assess flooding impacts.
Draft Climate Change Policy Guidance Available for Comment!
Based on BCDC’s application of the Climate Change policies from 2011-2021, the Draft San Francisco Bay Plan Climate Change Policy Guidance provides:
• Policy guidance for the 8 Climate Change Policies and other related Policies in the San Francisco Bay Plan
• Example permit language for past approved shoreline projects
• Technical guidance for use of the best available science to select sea level rise projections and assess flooding impacts
The document is organized to allow navigation dependent on user need, providing multiple accessible approaches. The Appendices include an introductory overview of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Science, a description of BCDC’s Adapting to Rising Tides Program, and example risk assessments and adaptive management plans required in part by BCDC’s Climate Change policies. The resource has been reviewed by an external advisory committee of adaptation practitioners, shoreline managers, and policy experts who provided feedback reflected in the current draft.
The Draft San Francisco Bay Plan Climate Change Policy Guidance is available at this link for your review.
The document is currently available for public comment, and will be the subject of a virtual Commission public hearing on April 15, 2021. Information on how to access and provide comment at the April 15 virtual meeting will be available on this page two weeks before the meeting date. You may also send written comment prior to the meeting to daniel.hossfeld@bcdc.ca.gov by April 15.
Thank you for your time!
BCDC Staff
San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission | Website