The Program awards grant funding on a competitive basis to projects representing the mission of the WCB and address the three goals of the California Water Action Plan: reliability, restoration, and resilience.
The priority issue area for this round of Proposition 68 funding is coastal resiliency and nature-based adaptation strategies to sea level rise impacts.
The primary goal of the Program is to improve watershed areas and related groundwater sustainability by supporting local watershed and groundwater improvement efforts.
The PFW Program provides direct technical and financial assistance in the form of cooperative and grant agreements to private landowners to restore and conserve fish and wildlife habitat for the benefit of federal trust resources.
The Fund provides small grants for North American campaigns to save native species and wild ecosystems, with particular emphasis on actions designed to defend threatened wilderness and biological diversity.
Projects must involve long-term protection, restoration, and/or enhancement of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of all wetlands-associated migratory birds. Partners are encouraged to coordinate with the SFBJV Coordinator, Sandra Scoggin, if considering applying.
The Authority can fund proposals that are 1) habitat projects that aim to restore, protect, or enhance natural habitats on the shoreline in the San Francisco Bay Area; 2) flood management projects that are part of habitat projects; or 3) public access projects that will provide or improve access or recreational amenities that are part of habitat projects.
Ongoing Grants and other grants with deadlines further out in the year may be found on our website.