Dear Interested Parties,
EPA is providing a free “webinar” on April 15, 2020 from 1-2pm to provide a detailed review of the Request for Applications and help answer your proposal submittal questions. Originally scheduled for April 2, we have rescheduled it to give people more time to sign up for the webinar given the adjustments we are all facing working under ‘shelter in place’ provisions. If you have already registered for the webinar, there is no need to re-register. This year the “webinar” will be simplified to a conference call number and a pdf of the powerpoint presentation to minimize potential technological challenges. For those that haven’t registered yet, please go to our website to register (link below). If you would like your email taken off this mailing list, please let me know by emailing me back.
Contact: Luisa Valiela, US EPA Region 9
Phone: (415) 972-3400