West Oakland Truck Management Plan has Been Approved

West Oakland Truck Management Plan Has Been Approved!
The Port and the City have approved the
West Oakland Truck Management Plan (TMP)!
The final TMP, its appendices, and other documentation are available at the links below.
The City Administrator approved the TMP on April 25, 2019 and the Port Executive Director on April 29, 2019. An informational report about the approved TMP will be presented to the Community and Economic Development (CED) Committee of the Oakland City Council on June 11, 2019 followed by an informational report about the approved Plan to the full City Council on June 18, 2019, assuming it is sent to the full Council by the CED. Agenda reports will be available on the City’s website 10 days prior to the date of these meetings.
The City and Port of Oakland thank you for your help and participation in developing the TMP! For more information about the public participation process conducted for the TMP, please continue reading below.
The Port and the City will continue the public engagement process during implementation of the TMP. For more information, see Chapter III Implementation Approach in the TMP.
Councilmember McElhaney, City Administrator, and Board of Port Commissioners thank you for your participation in this planning effort.
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Community Engagement
What is a Truck Management Plan?
The City and Port initiated a West Oakland Truck Management Plan for the development of the former Oakland Army Base lands to reduce problems with truck circulation and truck parking in West Oakland and the surrounding area. Beginning in October 2017, the City and Port began a public participation process to obtain input from stakeholders and West Oakland community to inform and develop the TMP. This was done in part through a series of public meetings: “Trucks in West Oakland – Community Workshop” series.
Workshop 1: “Learning” on 10/11/2017
Workshop 2: “Observing and Exploring” on 12/2/2017
Workshop 3: “Sharing” on 4/07/2018
Workshop 4: “Co-Creating” on 7/18/18
Workshop 5: “Joining Together” on 11/29/18
Who has been involved?
West Oakland residents and businesses, Port truckers, Mayor’s Office, Councilmember McElhaney, City of Oakland, and the Port of Oakland.
Why did the City and the Port Complete the TMP now?
The former Oakland Army Base is being redeveloped by the City of Oakland and Port of Oakland into new logistics and warehousing facilities. The West Oakland Truck Management Plan is a requirement of the new development.
What does the TMP include?
The TMP includes:
  • Analysis of where trucks drive and park in the West Oakland area.
  • “Traffic-calming” ideas to help trucks stay on designated truck routes.
  • Better signs so that truck routes and non-truck routes are clearly seen.
  • Outreach and better communication with truck drivers about where they can and cannot drive in West Oakland.
Visit the TMP project page for more details: www.oaklandca.gov/topics/west-oakland-truck-management-plan
For more information about community based research on truck traffic, visit EDF’s Mapping Study and WOEIP Research.
Hotline& Live Chat:
Call 1-844-OAKPORT (1-844-625-7678) or Live Chat on the Port of Oakland Website, M-F between 8:30am-5pm, for more information about the West Oakland Truck Management Plan
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