Port of Oakland, Oakland Fire Department to Unveil New Firefighting Apparatuses Upgraded Firetrucks to be Featured in Full-Scale Emergency Exercise at Oakland International Airport WHO/WHAT: Media Availability & Tour of New Firefighting Apparatuses Oakland Fire Department and the Port of Oakland will co-host a media availability and tour of two new state-of-the-art firefighting apparatuses, prior to a full-scale emergency exercise at the Oakland International Airport. The pair of Rosenbauer Panther 6×6 firefighting apparatuses, for use by the Oakland Fire Department’s Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF) Team, were purchased by The Port of Oakland in 2018, and will be on display at the Oakland Maintenance Center (OMC) from 9:15-9:45 a.m. Media and regional partners are then invited to view a Triennial Full Scale Emergency Exercise from 10 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The exercise will feature a simulated Red Alert scenario at Oakland International Airport and deploy the Incident Command System. A platform/stage will be erected onsite for media staging.
WHEN: Thursday, May 9, 2019 Vehicle Tours & Interviews 9:15 AM Triennial Full-Scale Exercise 10:00 AM
WHERE: Oakland International Airport | Oakland Maintenance Center (OMC) 1100 Airport Drive, Oakland, CA
MEDIA CONTACTS: Oakland International Airport: Keonnis R. Taylor | |510-563-6500 Oakland Fire Department: Michael Hunt | | (510) 238-6353
Tags: firefighters, Port of Oakland