December 3, 2018 State Lands Commission Meeting

California State Lands Commission
Public Meeting Announcement
The next California State Lands Commission meeting is December 3, 2018 at 1 p.m. in San Diego. The meeting agenda and staff reports are available on our website. The meeting will be live-streamed via the Cal-span website.
Please email us at or call us at 916.574.1800 if you have questions about the meeting, the agenda items, or about how to participate. Commission meeting rules and procedures can be found on our site here:

For more information about the California State Lands Commission, please visit our website at

December 2018
To view the agenda and staff reports click below:
If you missed our last meeting, you can view highlights below:

About the Commission

The California State Lands Commission provides the people of California with effective stewardship of the lands, waterways, and resources entrusted to its care through preservation, restoration, enhancement, responsible economic development, and the promotion of public access.

Established in 1938, the Commission manages 4 million acres of tide and submerged lands and the beds of navigable rivers, streams, lakes, bays, estuaries, inlets, and straits. These lands, often referred to as sovereign or Public Trust lands, stretch from the Klamath River and Goose Lake in the north to the Tijuana Estuary in the south, and from the Pacific Coast 3 miles offshore in the west to world-famous Lake Tahoe and the Colorado River in the east, and includes California’s two longest rivers, the Sacramento and San Joaquin. The Commission also manages about 458,000 acres of school lands held in fee ownership and the reserved mineral interests on about 790,000 acres where the surface land was sold. These lands are predominantly in the deserts in the southeast and the forested areas of the northeast portions of California.

The Commission also protects state waters from marine invasive species introductions and prevents oil spills by providing the best achievable protection of the marine environment at marine oil terminals and offshore oil platforms and production facilities. And the Commission oversees the management of waterfront land and coastal waters, including the major California ports and harbors, that the California Legislature granted in trust to about 70 local jurisdictions.

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