P3 Federal Conference

Working to Build American Infrastructure
Using Public-Private Partnerships to Meet Our Infrastructure Challenges
Join more than 800 public representatives, owners, industry leaders, and P3 experts for two days tailored to the needs of authorities focused on transportation, environmental, and social infrastructure project delivery.
The P3 Federal Conference returns to Washington, D.C. this November and invites local, state, and Federal representatives and industry professionals for P3 education, project development, and networking opportunities.
This year’s program provides the essential tools and know-how to successfully plan, deliver, and operate P3 projects of all sizes. The two day conference is designed for owners who want to better understand how alternative project delivery can be used for their next project, identify trends and upcoming procurement opportunities, and connect with other communities and agencies who have used P3s for their critical infrastructure challenges.
To be included in future event updates, receive presentations, and connect with the over 700 delegates who attend last year’s conference, please visit our website.
Register by September 21 to Save $300
2018 Program: 30+ P3 Sessions, Roundtables, Case Studies, Workshops, RFP Announcements and More!
DJ Gribbin, Senior Operating Partner, Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners (former Special Assistant to the President for Infrastructure) presenting a keynote address on the Administration’s infrastructure bill.
Pete K. Rahn, Maryland Transportation Secretary, discussing Maryland’s $9 billion Traffic Relief Plan and the largest highway P3 in America, with John Porcari, President, Advisory Services, WSP (former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Transportation)
Through sessions focused on procurement, financing, risk transfer, design, asset management, and O&M, attendees will deepen their understanding on the value proposition of P3s, and the role they can play for their transportation, water, energy, and public building projects.
The 2018 agenda will include: 
·     How to best structure your next procurement 
·     Federal grant and loan assistance programs: How your project can apply?
·     The benefits of innovative life cycle asset management approaches
·     Opportunity zones and value creation programs under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
·     Strategies to minimize operating costs and address deferred O&M
·     P3 opportunities for small businesses.
·     Developing and modernizing energy infrastructure assets with a P3 approach
·     Strategies for parks and public spaces
·     Setting standards and performance metrics in partnerships 
·     How to score, select, and negotiate with prospective partners 
·     Sustainability and resiliency planning
·     Using P3’s for local job creation, economic growth, sustainable development 
·     Federal impact for alternative procurement opportunities at our airports
·     New programs and approaches for rural communities and smaller projects 
·     Smart City Initiatives under the P3 Model
·     Public-private partnerships for the last mile
·     Federal programs available to assist your next project, ways to work with State Revolving Funds, and develop hybrid public/private financing 
·     Plus program presentations and updates: WIFIA, TIFIA, USDA Rural Development, Economic Development Administration, and more.
Public leaders and industry practitioners will share first hand recent experiences, and upcoming projects and practices. Our speakers will discuss current and soon to be opened procurements, financing programs and structure, best practices with contracts, risk management, monetizations, and key topics shaping today’s P3 landscape.
Who Attends? Local and State Project Owners, Public Agencies, and Industry Evaluating P3s
The P3 Federal Conference brings together local, state, and federal public officials with industry, P3 practitioners, and project delivery experts. Our audience includes public representatives evaluating the use of P3’s, industry and owners currently active in the P3 market, and those interested in upcoming market opportunities and methods to promote investment in U.S. infrastructure. 
Attendees seeking to better understand the development and operation of the P3 model will benefit from meeting with P3 leaders and other project owners attending to share their knowledge and recent experiences.
To see which organizations attend, please click the link below.
Discover New Projects, Partners, and
Upcoming Development Opportunities!
With local, state, and federal agencies looking closely at alternative delivery for the development of public infrastructure; our program focuses on P3 education, financing solutions, new procurement methodologies, and innovative ways partnerships are helping deliver critical projects of all sizes across the country.
The conference is a cornerstone for those who need to stay current on project delivery trends, meet with project owners, leaders, and network with development and policy experts.
The 2018 program offers a series of keynotes, case studies, panels, workshops and networking opportunities meant to help attendees deepen their understanding on the use and value proposition of P3s, and the role they can play serve in their community.
View our program as we examine how to major transportation, water, energy, and public building projects across the country.
Learn about upcoming projects from 
·     Municipalities across the United States
·     State DOT’s
·     Public Utilities
·     Airport, Rail, and Port Facilities
·     General Service Administration
·     U.S. Department of Transportation
·     U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
·     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
·     And more…
Thank You to Our Sponsors
We would like to thank the following organizations for their
leadership and instrumental support of The P3 Federal Conference
Click To View: Website | Program | Who’s Attending
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