San Francisco Bay Joint Venture, The Bulletin for June 6, 2018

Photo thanks to Melina Meza
Meet Matt Gerhart
Program Manager, State Coastal Conservancy
Matt Gerhart has been working with the State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) for over a decade where he now serves as Program Manager of the San Francisco Bay Area.  If you have been at any Conservancy meetings in the last few years, you have most likely met him!   In his current role, Matt oversees a wide range of SCC land protection, restoration, access and climate adaptation projects, as well anything related to the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority.   In addition to attending what he called “boatloads” of daily meetings, he is also in the enviable position of occasionally having a work day include getting out by boat, bike or foot, to see some the Bay Area’s most spectacular and/or challenged natural spaces. 
As an important partner to the SFBJV, Matt has been instrumental in helping us meet our habitat goals with his valuable input serving on both our Management Board and Conservation Delivery Committee as well as by encouraging SCC staff to get involved in other JV working committees.  In addition, he has recommended funding for partner projects and has also directly supported SFBJV efforts such as our design review program.   Best of all, Matt is a pleasure to work with, offering a unique blend of calm, kindness and clarity to group “think” and discussions. 
You can read more about how it is that Matt contributes to our mission to protect and restore wetland habitats in the Bay Area on our featured partner page.  Our shout out this month goes to Matt Gerhart – Thank YOU!
Grants with Deadlines   
By June 13
Proposition 1 Restoration Grant Programs
The Watershed Restoration Grant Program focuses on water quality, river, and watershed protection & restoration projects of statewide importance outside of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

By June 20

Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program
Eligible projects must be directly or indirectly related to the environmental impact of the modification of an existing transportation facility or construction of a new transportation facility.

By June 29

National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program
These grants provide up to $1 million to coastal and Great Lakes states, as well as U.S. territories, to protect, restore and enhance coastal wetland ecosystems and associated uplands.

By June 30
The National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program supports community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the nation. 
By July 2
Climate Ready Program
Climate Ready grants fund nature-based solutions for climate adaptation. Projects in this round will be funded by the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, and must facilitate greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Ongoing Grants
Many more grants with deadlines later in the year, as well as others that have no deadlines, are ongoing, or have not yet been updated with 2018 information may be   found on our comprehensive funding pageIf you have a grant we should know about please contact Caroline Warner. 
JOBS with deadlinesthese change frequently, to stay current check our jobs page
and if you have one to post, please send that information to Caroline Warner
June 8
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory
June 13
East Bay Regional Parks
June 15
The Nature Conservancy
June 22
Intermountain West JV
June 22
YES Nature to Neighborhoods
June 24
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
June 29
Watershed Stewards Program
June 30
Bird Studies Canada
July 7
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
JOBS open until filled  
Earth Justice 
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Solano Land Trust 
Salmon Protection Network
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy 
Sonoma Ecology Center
Port of San Francisco

Ecological Services Coordinator 
East Bay Regional Parks 
Save the Redwoods League
Sierra Club Redwood Chapter
Living Arroyos   
Upcoming Events
Find all the events we know about on our events page
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