Dear Water/Climate Leaders:
Sorry for the short notice. This two day “Science-Wonkfest” has begun in Sacramento. The link below has the Agenda and easy ability to watch for free via Skype.
Warner Chabot – SFEI – Aquatic Science Center, Exec. Director
Solving tough CA climate & water challenges depends on getting good science to decision makers.
This Wednesday and Thursday (June 20-21), the State Water Board and the Aquatic Science Center (and others), will host the:
3rd Annual Data Science Symposium in Sacramento
The symposium theme is Adapting in the Face of Disruptive Landscape Change. The event will convene several hundred of the state’s leading scientists, focused on climate adaptation and water management issues.
The above link includes the agenda, presentation topics and speakers.
To register for remote attendance, follow this link and click on the green “Register” button to find the “Remote Attendee” option. Once registered, remote access information can be acquired at this link.
The content will focus on the challenge of climate change, population growth, land use change, fires, droughts, and floods.
Topics will include: historical ecology; climate change; fire; cannabis cultivation; contaminants; and other topics.
One highlight will be the 2018 Water Quality Status Report (last year’s report is available, here) at 2:30 pm on June 21, 2018.
For more information:
Aquatic Science Center– Warner Chabot, 510 375-2141
State Water Board – Greg Gearheart, 916-341-5892
Tags: Cannabis, climate adaptation, Climate change, climate resilience, contaminants, drought, droughts, ecology, fire, fires, flood, flooding, floods, land use, marijuana, population growth, sacramento, wonkfest