WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Senate Appropriations Committee today advanced by a vote of 31-1, the FY2019 Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act that funds U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) programs and critical infrastructure projects administered by the Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation.
Army Corps of Engineers – $6.927 billion, $100 million above the FY2018 enacted level and $2.142 billion above the budget request.
- For the fifth consecutive year, the bill meets the spending targets in the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 for appropriations from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund for the Corps of Engineers.
- For the fifth consecutive year, the bill makes full use of the estimated annual revenues from the Inland Waterways Trust Fund to advance American competitiveness and export capabilities.
- The bill also provides $1.289 billion above the budget request for construction of river and harbor, flood storm damage reduction, shore protection, aquatic ecosystem restoration, and related projects authorized by law.
Bureau of Reclamation – $1.493 billion, $498 million above the budget request, for the U.S. Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Reclamation to help manage, develop, and protect the water resources of Western states.
Tags: ace, army corps of engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, department of energy, doe, fy2019, usdoe