Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for September 19, 2017

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Dream the Impossible 
By Chris Philips, Managing Editor  
In June, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia reaffirmed their pledge to make the twin ports of the San Pedro Bay “global models for cleaner air, sustainability and innovation.”

The two mayors signed a joint declaration that sets goals for the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to transition to “zero” emissions as part of their Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP).

Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Have a news tip to share? Send an email to Karen Robes Meeks
Story1Northwest Seaport Alliance Wins Logistics Award
By Karen Robes Meeks
For Logistics Management’s 2017 Quest for Quality awards, the Northwest Seaport Alliance, which is made up of the ports of Seattle and Tacoma, recently earned the highest rank on the US West Coast…(Read full article)
Story2Busy August for the Port of Los Angeles
By Karen Robes Meeks
The Port of Los Angeles last month had its busiest August and second-busiest month in port history, according to its latest statistics…(Read full article)
Story3Port of Seattle Social Program
By Karen Robes Meeks

Tenants at the Port of Seattle are going strawless this month. More than 100 Seattle eateries, including those at seaport locations, are taking part in Strawless in Seattle… 
(Read full article)
Story4Coos Bay Dredging
By Karen Robes Meeks

The public will have until October 3 to weigh in on the environmental impacts of the Port of Coos Bay’s plans to make the Federal Navigation Channel deeper and wider… 
(Read full article)

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