Please forward this newsletter to anyone who may be interested. May 1, 2017
CASA Agencies Advocate on Behalf of Priority Issues
The CASA and WateReuse Joint Public Policy Forum was held on Wednesday, April 19th. Representatives from member agencies across California came to Sacramento to hear presentations by key policymakers, including Assembly Member Bill Quirk and Assembly Member Laura Friedman. Assembly Member Quirk provided an interesting overview of his professional background as a climate change scientist prior to his election to the Legislature, and further expressed his interest in promoting and advancing recycled water in California through his authorship of AB 574. Assembly Member Friedman impressed the group with her enthusiasm for taking on water policy in her freshman year in the Legislature. Chiefs of Staff for Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate Republican Leader Pat Bates also provided participants with [more…]
Bills Move in Advance of Important Deadline
Friday, April 28th was the deadline for all bills that have a fiscal impact to the state to be heard in their respective policy committees. Because the majority of bills have fiscal implications, the two weeks leading up to the deadline were extremely busy with hundreds of bills being heard in policy committees. The bills that progressed through the legislative process in advance of the deadline are now awaiting analysis and hearing in the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees, which weigh the fiscal considerations of each bill in the coming weeks.
Several bills of interest to CASA moved through the process in the last several weeks, including AB 574 (Quirk), which is sponsored by WateReuse and California Coastkeeper and supported by CASA. The bill proposes to [more…]
CASA Weighs in on Federal Reorganization Executive Order
On April 12th, CASA submitted a letter to several federal agencies in response to President Trump’s Executive Order on a Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch. The Executive Order instructs the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to develop a plan to reorganize the federal government to improve efficiency and effectiveness. This could include the reorganization or elimination of redundant or unnecessary agency programs, and changes in the way certain programs are administered. [more…]
Water Board Schedules Summer Funding Workshops, Releases SRF Plan
The State Water Board is planning three workshops this summer to discuss the current status of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program (SRF) and to solicit input from the public and stakeholders on how to manage the program going forward. The workshops will be held:
Wednesday, June 28 in Orange County
Thursday, July 13 in Oakland
Thursday, July 20 in Tulare, CA
These workshops are free of charge. The Water Board will release an agenda and further details about the venues and registration information in May. In addition, for those interested in how the State Water Board intends to spend SRF money in the coming fiscal year, the Water Board recently released its Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2017 Intended Use Plan (IUP). This Draft IUP describes the State Water Board’s plan for the SRF Program from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Stakeholders can comment on the plan by May 22, 2017.
State Water Board Rescinds Mandatory Conservation Standards
On April 26, the State Water Resources Control Board rescinded mandatory conservation standards for urban water suppliers, including the water supply “stress test” requirements, but kept in place water use reporting requirements and prohibitions against wasteful practices. This action was in response to Governor Brown’s announcement earlier this month ending the drought state of emergency.
The requirements for monthly water use reporting will remain in place while the Board works to develop permanent reporting and wasteful use regulations. In addition, a long-term conservation framework designed to establish permanent water conservation standards and improved agricultural and urban water management planning is anticipated to move through the Legislature this year.
Member News
West County Wastewater District hires Ed McCormick as Interim General Manager. Congratulations Ed! Read more.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District recently released a video entitled “The Overflow Hero,” a short educational video highlighting the importance of an Overflow Protection Device (OPD). The video was produced at Central San and features an all-employee case. In the video, a movie star superhero suddenly begins hearing a mysterious voice. The voice asks the movie star superhero to save the world from overflows, but this star knows that only OPDs can truly save the world from overflows. This playful and family-friendly video reminds viewers to protect themselves and their homes with an OPD.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) has won the 2017 CAPIO Excellence in Communications Award of Distinction for their internal employee publication, t
he Lateral Connection. California Association of Public Information Officials (CAPIO) is a state association of more than 500 government-based communication member agencies, including wastewater agencies. Central San produces the Lateral Connection monthly for all their employees and retirees. It is the number one communication tool that helps employees keep up-to-date on projects, events, safety information, IT tips, HR announcements, and innovative projects their fellow employees are working on. It also features fun and entertaining content, including an annual April Fools edition.
Oro Loma Sanitary District named a Bay Hero for Innovative Project to Protect Against Sea Level Rise. Congratulations! Read the Press Release.
Silicon Valley Clean Water Regional Environmental Sewer Conveyance Upgrade Program Approved. More Information.
Now Hiring!
CASA members have numerous opportunities available. Visit our Job Board for details.
Mixed Bag
Save the Dates! CalRecyle will hold its second set of workshops on May 17, 2017 at the Cal/EPA Building in Sacramento and May 25, 2017 at the City Council Chambers in Oceanside, to discuss the SB 1383 implementation process.
Topics will include definitions and methane emission calculations, two panels with invited guests on local organics recycling programs and edible food recovery programs, and an opportunity for stakeholder input and questions. These are likely to be approximately 4-hour workshops, with start and end times to be determined. More information about the workshops will be added to the Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP): Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reductions webpage when available. Please direct questions to