- San Francisco Chronicle: Geary Boulevard a hot mess of buses, cars, pedestrians and plans
- Mercury News: BART: Fare cheaters costing up to $25 million each year; what can be done?
- Mercury News: VTA looking to make Tasman Corridor improvements
- Mercury News: Roadshow: Crazy driving stunts on 580, 17, 280
- Fairfield Daily Republic: $600,000 for 91 more parking spaces at Fairfield train station wins council support
- Berkeleyside: Bay Area’s first one-way car share debuts in Berkeley and Oakland
- San Francisco Examiner: Muni’s worst clunker buses to be replaced for big price tag: $244M
- San Francisco Examiner: Mayor appoints former state Sen. Art Torres to replace retiring SFMTA board member
- Sacramento Bee: This senator wanted to fix potholes. Now Republicans want to take him out
- Sacramento Bee: Disabled placards for thousands of dead Californians part of program abuse
- Washington Post: Study shows that people have concerns about flying cars for some reason