Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for March 10, 2017


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All Stick,
No Carrot
By Chris Philips, Managing Editor   
The 16th annual California Maritime Leadership Symposium took place last month in Sacramento, California. Past CMLS conferences have been operations-related, well organized and well attended. Past programs offered a good cross-section of panels addressing the concerns and issues faced by the California maritime industrial community. The theme of this year’s conference was emissions, which attracted a particularly large group of non-operations ‘stakeholders’ from the environmental community. Sessions featured lectures…
Friday, March 10, 2017
Have a news tip to share? Send an email to Mark Edward Nero
Story1Maritime Commission Amends Maritime Supply Chain Rules
By Mark Edward Nero
On March 6, the Federal Maritime Commission voted unanimously to amend its rules involving service contracts and non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) service arrangements in an effort to ease regulatory burdens and make the agency’s rules more consistent with how the ocean shipping business is practiced..(Read full article)
Story2Former Research Vessel Partially Sinks
Near Willapa Bay
By Mark Edward Nero
The 125-foot, 300 gross ton ex-research vessel Hero partially sank at the pier in Bay Center near Willapa Bay, Washington this week…(Read full article)
Story3Truck Platooning Demo Held at POLA
By Mark Edward Nero

On March 8, federal, state and local government and private industry partners conducted a demonstration of partially automated truck platooning, or Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), at the Port of Los Angeles and along Interstate 110… 
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Story4POLB Cargo Declines in February
By Mark Edward Nero

Reduced economic activity in Asia associated with the Lunar New Year contributed to lower container volumes at the Port of Long Beach last month compared to the previous February, according to newly released data from the POLB… 
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