Bridging the Gap to Greater Beneficial Reuse Part I

  • by BPC Staff
  • on October 28, 2016

October 28, 2016

If you spend some time navigating BPC’s website, you will see that we are involved in many activities related to dredging, water quality, energy and water supply, and transportation issues in the San Francisco Bay region. We have grown to house and facilitate seven Committees:  Sustainable Waterfronts, Dredging and Beneficial Reuse, Marinas and Boatyards, Organizational Development, Legislative and Policy, Membership, and Water, Energy and Infrastructure.

While BPC has expanded to cover a breadth of issues since it’s inception in 1983, many would agree that we were founded on dredging issues first. With a mission to “advocate balanced regulation and use of Bay-Delta resources”, BPC got it’s early start in representing dredging operators, ports, development firms, and recreational users of the Bay shoreline. We sought to provide a unified voice to address regulatory and environmental challenges while meeting the navigational needs of the region’s maritime industry.

Logo_workshop_dredgingJoin us as we return to our roots at our annual Dredging & Beneficial Reuse Workshop on November 9th at the Port of Oakland! The theme of the program is Bridging the Gap to Greater Beneficial Reuse, a push BPC has been championing in recent years. We will hear from the U.S. EPA on behalf of the Long Term Management Strategy, which was adopted in 2001 and culminated from a 12-year collaborative effort between BPC and state and federal regulatory agencies. There will also be web tool demonstrations, presentations on funding opportunities and beneficial reuse sites, and a special talk from BCDC’s Executive Director on a suit filed by BCDC related to federal dredging in the Bay.

Click here to view the agenda and to register.

“The Bay Planning Coalition is a non-profit organization well known for its advocacy and credibility in the San Francisco Bay Area corporate and environmental community. When we speak about an issue, legislators and regulators listen.” – John A. Coleman, CEO

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