Bay-Delta Science Conference: Call for Abstracts
November 15-17, 2016
Sacramento, CA
The Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference is a forum for presenting technical analyses and results relevant to the Delta Science Program’s mission to provide the best possible, unbiased, science-based information for water and environmental decision-making in the Bay-Delta system. The goal of the conference is to provide new information and syntheses to the broad community of scientists, engineers, resource managers, and stakeholders working on Bay-Delta issues. The organizers of this 9th Science Conference are seeking presentations that support this goal. The deadline for abstracts is June 3, 2016.
The conference program will feature oral and poster presentations that provide scientific information and ideas relevant to the topic sessions. The conference theme this year is “Science for Solutions: Linking Data and Decisions.” Protection of the Bay-Delta ecosystem is at a pivotal point. This system has endured devastating drought cycles and shifting priorities that seek to supply water for cities and farms and improve the aquatic ecosystem for fisheries, recreation, and tourism. Achieving these goals requires science that expands our knowledge of ecosystem responses, produces data that directly supports decisions, and builds long-term, resilient solutions.
Please visit conference web site for full details. The abstract forms are active and linked to the conference web site. See below for a full set of links for the conference:
Abstract Deadline: June 3, 2016
Conference Web Site:
Tags: bay delta, environment, science