Walk of Honor for our Veterans 2016
Event Registration Form
Sign up today for the May 21, 2016 event! Enjoy a memorable leisurely walk across the “Alfred Zampa Memorial Bridge” and share a delicious BBQ lunch at the Crockett Community Center – 850 Pomona St., Crockett. Invite your family, friends and neighbors; and enjoy yourself while honoring the service of loved ones who honored us by their service to our country.
Check-in 8:30 am – 9:30 am at the Crockett Community Center/ Walk will begin at 10:00 am.
Early Registration $25.00, after May 1, 2016 Registration is $30 (T-shirt and BBQ included).
To register complete steps 1 & 2:
Step 1: Fill out and submit registration form online here.
Step 2: Make payment.
Option 1-Pay via credit card: by clicking on the following link: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/walk-of-honor-for-our-veterans-tickets-23943942978
Option 2-Pay via check: Make checks payable to: SFR Community Fund, (Tax ID#45-2483804). Mail check to:Phillips 66, Attn: Aimee Lohr, 1380 San Pablo Avenue, Rodeo, CA 94572.