Pacific Maritime Magazine Online News for November 3, 2015


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Pacific Maritime Magazine Online News

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By Chris Philips,
Managing Editor 

“Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” – Will Rogers

We all make mistakes. Sometimes we pay dearly – other times we escape unharmed but wiser for the experience.

Tuesday the 13th of October was the first day of a two-day gillnet opener for commercial salmon in Washington State’s Hood Canal. Gillnets are a simple ….MORE

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Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Have a news tip to share? Send an email to Mark Edward Nero

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Image removed by sender. Story1Port of Port Angeles Head Stepping Down

By Mark Edward Nero

After being in the position for just two years, Ken O’Hollaren is stepping down as executive director of the Port of Port Angeles, he announced Oct. 26. (Read full article)

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Image removed by sender. Story2POSD Awarded $10 Million Grant

By Mark Edward Nero

The Port of San Diego has been awarded $10 million by the US Department of Transportation for proposed maritime cargo terminal redevelopment through the federal National Infrastructure Investments program. (Read full article)

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Image removed by sender. Story3Newport, Hueneme Awarded Redevelopment Grants

By Mark Edward Nero

The Oxnard Harbor District, which operates the Port of Hueneme, has been awarded $12.3 million by the US Department of Transportation for maritime cargo terminal redevelopment the port said Oct. 30. (Read full article)

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Image removed by sender. Story4Study: Cruise Industry Sees Growth

By Mark Edward Nero

Global demand for cruise ship voyages reached 22 million passengers in 2014, up 68 percent from 13 million passengers in 2004, according to a new study from Cruise Lines International Association. (Read full article)

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