BPC Workshop: Dredging and Beneficial Reuse

Thursday, November 12, 2015
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1333 Broadway, 8th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
For over 30 years, the Bay Planning Coalition has been working to ensure that the channels and harbors of our region are able to be dredged to adequate navigation depths.
Join us on November 12th to hear from some of Bay Area’s leading experts on dredging and the beneficial reuse of dredged materials. The Workshop will provide an update on current dredging projects, an examination of legislative actions that may affect dredging and disposal, and the latest developments in the region-wide effort to increase beneficial reuse.
9:00 am – 9:10 am Welcome and Introductions
- David Ivester, President, Bay Planning Coalition
- Jaclyn Gnusti, Chair of Dredging & Beneficial Rese Committee, Bay Planning Coalition
9:10 am – 9:40 am NGO Perspectives on Deep Ocean Disposal and Beneficial Reuse
- Ian Wren, San Francisco Baykeeper
9:40 am – 10:00 am DredgeFest California, June 2016
- Brett Milligan, University of California at Davis – PRESENTATION
10:00 am – 10:15 am Break
10:15 am – 10:35 am Baylands Goals, Sediment Needs and SediMatch
- Warner Chabot, San Francisco Estuary Institute – PRESENTATION
- Beth Huning, San Francisco Bay Joint Venture – PRESENTATION
10:35 am – 11:50 am EXPERT PANEL: Beneficial Reuse: We have the material…We have the placement site…How do we make it happen?
Moderated by: Josh Gravenmier, ARCADIS
- Dilip Trivedi, Moffatt & Nichol – PRESENTATION
- Jessica Burton Evans, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Steve Goldbeck, SF Bay Conservation & Development Commission
- John Bourgeois, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project – PRESENTATION
11:50 am – 12:00 pm Closing
- John Coleman, CEO, Bay Planning Coalition
Tags: dredging