Pacific Maritime Magazine News Online for September 4, 2015


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Fidley Watch: Zone Violations

Here are some ways you can help the Coast Guard do their job: Run safety drills. Keep your equipment maintained and your charts up to date. If you have small watercraft like canoes, kayaks or surfboards, write your name and phone number on them. A kayak blown off a dock and adrift offshore will prompt a call from a concerned mariner, and the US Coast Guard is required to treat every piece of flotsam and jetsam as if it were a life or death situation. Three times last month alone, USCG District 14 in Hawaii scrambled fast response craft and helicopter crews over unmanned kayaks and a surfboard, whose owners might have been sipping a cool drink shoreside while the Coasties in Hawaii were burning fuel and their budget looking for them….
Friday, September 4, 2015

Have a news tip to share? Send an email to Mark Edward Nero

Story1FMC Delays Oakland Container Fee Program
By Mark Edward Nero

The Federal Maritime Commission on Sept. 2 put on hold an agreement that would authorize a container fee program at the Port of Oakland when it issued a request for additional information from the five container terminals regarding the agreement. (Read full article)
Story2Oil Response Vessel Christened in Vancouver
By Mark Edward Nero

Vancouver, British Columbia-based Western Canada Marine Response Corp. christened its newest oil spill response vessel in Burrard Inlet on Sept. 1. (Read full article)
Story3Puget Sound Receives Its Largest-Ever Container Ship
By Mark Edward Nero

On Sept. 1, the CMA CGM Callisto, the largest container ship ever to call Puget Sound, arrived at the Port of Seattle’s Terminal 18 cargo container facility, an occurrence that the port says heralds the larger ships cascading into trans-Pacific trade. (Read full article)

Story4Seattle Firm Acquires Noise Mitigation Company
By Mark Edward Nero

Seattle-based naval architecture and marine engineering consultancy Glosten has acquired Noise Control Engineering, a Massachusetts-based acoustical engineering firm that specializes in noise and vibration control for marine, industrial and commercial environments. (Read full article)

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