Pacific Maritime Magazine News Online for February 10, 2015

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 BC Regional Report 2015

By Kathy A. Smith

An improving economy has British Columbia’s ports gearing up for more imports from Asia, while increased energy extraction in Canada and the US has those same ports preparing to export coal, oil and gas.

Shipping markets are still under a lot of pressure and most of the container ocean carriers in particular are losing serious money says Captain Stephen Brown, President, Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia. “Freight markets in the bulk trades are still very low and it’s difficult for shipowners to raise rates due to the continuing over-supply of ships in most sectors for the time being.”

Despite the falling cost of oil on world markets and the cost of vessel bunkers, the higher fuel standards in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) effective… MORE

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Have a news tip to share? Send an email to Mark Edward Nero

Story1Weekend Lockout Halts West Coast
Port Operations

By Mark Edward Nero

Work at seaports along the West Coast resumed on Monday after the group that represents terminal operators and shipping lines instituted a two-day stoppage by that halted operations last weekend. (Read full article)

Story2Vigor Wins $9.9 Million USN Repair Contract

By Mark Edward Nero

Portland-based Vigor Marine has won a $9.9 million contract for repair work to be performed on the USNS Yukon, a 677-foot-long underway replenishment oiler that provides fuel to ships at sea and jet fuel for aircraft assigned to aircraft carriers.. (Read full article)

Story3Shipping 101 Course Planned for Puget Sound

By Mark Edward Nero

The Marine Exchange of Puget Sound is partnering with Artemus Transportation Solutions, a web-based trade compliance software industry, to hold the Global Commerce-International Transportation & Trade Shipping 101 Course on March 23-27 in Seattle. (Read full article)

Story4Cruise Industry Predicts 2015 Growth

By Mark Edward Nero

Strong growth for the cruise industry in 2015 is being projected by the Cruise Lines International Association’s annual State of the Cruise Industry Report, which was released Feb. 9.(Read full article)

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