Pacific Maritime Magazine News Online for September 9, 2014

  • by BPC Staff
  • on September 9, 2014
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August 2014 Issue 

Fidley Watch:
By Chris Philips
Managing Editor  
Last week a subscriber who is a longshoreman at the Port of Los Angeles alerted us to a 9,000-TEU container carrier that was “yellow flagged” because of a gypsy moth infestation discovered by US Customs and Border Protection agents. Not to worry – the ship was quarantined and fumigated, and subsequently released…….(More) 

PMM Online is produced by Philips Publishing Group
Philps Publishing Group
   PMM Online – Tuesday September 9, 2014:
Have a news tip to share? Contact maritime journalist Mark Edward or (562) 508-7866. 

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Long Beach Breakwater Suffers Multiple Breaches
by Mark Edward Nero
Hurricane Marie, which caused 10-to 15-foot high wave surges in Southern California in late August, also resulted in three breaches in the breakwater that protects the Port of Long Beach, the Army Corps of Engineers confirmed Sept. 4…(Read Full Article) 


Vancouver USA Port Inks Agriculture Deal
by Mark Edward Nero
Port of Vancouver USA CEO Todd Coleman traveled to Fargo, North Dakota Aug. 27 to sign a contract with that state’s agriculture commissioner that allows the port to provide dedicated rail service to move North Dakota agricultural products west in would-be empty railcars returning from eastbound shipments….(Read Full Article) 


POLA Receives Emissions Reduction Grant
by Mark Edward Nero
The Port of Los Angeles has received a $469,000 grant award from the US Environmental Protection Agency to retrofit cargo handling equipment. The port secured the grant on behalf of two terminal tenants – SA Recycling and APM Terminals…(Read Full Article) 


$858 Million POLB Budget Approved
by Mark Edward Nero
The Long Beach City Council voted unanimously on Sept. 2 to approve an $858 million budget for the Port of Long Beach for the upcoming fiscal year. ….(Read Full Article) 

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