Job Opening


Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Position Opening

The Bay Planning Coalition is excited to announce the opening of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position at our organization. This is an exceptional opportunity for a dedicated and qualified individual to lead our efforts in supporting the economic and environmental sustainability of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. The application period is now open and will close on July 19th, 2024. We invite all qualified candidates to apply. For more information on the position, please visit the link below.


Applicants are invited to write a letter explaining why they are interested in the position, attach a recent resume, send via email to the Board President: Preference is for individuals residing in the Bay Area. Applicants are welcome to describe either a full-time or part-time employment arrangement. Salary and compensation package will be contingent upon the level of expertise, experience, and employment arrangement of the applicant.

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CEO Recruitment Announcement: