Category: Public Policy

  • by BPC Staff
  • onJanuary 27, 2015

Transportation News for January 27, 2015

California considering plan to replace gas tax with charge per mile driven San Jose Mercury News Roadshow: Why does my wife get better mileage in our hybrid? San Jose Mercury News Mercury News editorial: Black lives do matter, but so does transportation San Jose Mercury News Transportation Commission seeks to fill vacancies on Advisory Council, […]

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BCDC Commission Meeting for February 5, 2015

BCDC posted on its website ( the Commission Meeting Notice, information about BCDC, the Bay, and other issues relevant to the Commission at the following link:, and the agenda and supplemental materials for the February 5th BCDC Commission Meeting can he found here can be found at the links below. Agenda  Supplemental materials You may also find […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJanuary 26, 2015

CA Land Use & Development Law Report: U.S. Supreme Court Tells Cities to Explain a Cell Tower Denial in Timely Fashion

The California Land Use & Development Law Report Legal Commentary on Planning and Development   We’ve posted an article to our California Land Use & Development Law Report on a development that we think will be of interest to you. Our report publishes articles on recent legal and policy developments in the field of land use, […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJanuary 23, 2015

ACWA News – January 23, 2015

Jan. 23, 2015 Jan. 23, 2015 ACWA News Available Online This issue debuts exciting changes to ACWA News. In addition to a new masthead and color scheme, you will find enhanced member news and a few new features. Please note that ACWA News is now published on a monthly basis. The digital-only issue previously produced […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJanuary 23, 2015

Trade Reports from the Bay Area Council Economic Institute

The Bay Area Council Economic Institute is pleased to announce the availability of new reports on state and regional economic issues. Innovation Drivers: High-Value Collaborative Ties Between Japan and the San Francisco Bay Area continues the Institute’s series of reports on the region’s business and economic links with major global partners. – November 2014 (PDF: […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onJanuary 23, 2015

California Capitol Hill Bulletin – January 22, 2015

California Capitol Hill Bulletin Volume 22, Bulletin 3 – January 22, 2015 Click here to view online CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE: State of the Union 2015: President Obama Pursues Middle Class Economics and Policies That “Make a Difference” Immigration: House Homeland Security Marks Up Border Bill Economy: Senate Finance Declares Tax Reform and Trade Key […]

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SF Chronicle: Boxer takes on GOP leader over water

By Carolyn Lochhead Wednesday, January 21, 2015 WASHINGTON — Sen. Barbara Boxer, a self-described Brooklyn street fighter, took a swing Wednesday at House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield over water, saying she told the Republican, “Don’t threaten me.” Her famous scrappiness was on full display during a meeting with California reporters, with the retiring […]

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