Category: Public Policy

Final State Budget, Trailer Bills Signed by Governor

Final State Budget, Trailer Bills Signed by Governor ACWA Legislative Advisory, June 26, 2015 Gov. Jerry Brown this week signed a final 2015-’16 state budget and an ACWA-opposed budget trailer bill that includes language authorizing the State Water Resources Control Board to mandate consolidation of public water systems. The trailer bill, which cleared the Assembly […]

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Notice of Stakeholder Meeting and Notice of Opportunity to Comment – Storm Water Program Workplan & Implementation Strategy

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board. Attached here please find a Notice of Stakeholder Meeting and Notice of Opportunity to Comment on Storm Water Strategic Initiative Proposal to Develop a Storm Water Program Workplan and Implementation Strategy.  At the following link, please find an appendix of a proposed project list […]

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Controversial Port Performance Measure Moves Through the Committee Process

Controversial Port Performance Measure Moves Through Committee Published on, by Jennifer Scholtes The Senate Commerce Committee approved its port performance bill today, to the chagrin of labor groups and some lawmakers who worry the legislation will set the stage for improper federal intervention in collective bargaining. A contingent of Republican senators, led by Chairman John […]

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Valadao, California Republicans Introduce Legislation to Improve Western Water Reliability

From the office of Rep. David Valadao: WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Thursday, June 25, 2015, Congressmen David G. Valadao (CA-21) introduced a bill to modernize water policies in California and throughout the entire Western United States with the support of the entire California Republican delegation, the Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, and Chairman […]

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ACWA Drought Response Toolkit Now Available

ACWA Drought Response Toolkit Now Available With the State Water Resources Control Board’s emergency conservation regulations now in effect, water agencies around the state are working to meet state-mandated water conservation targets ranging from 4% to 36%. ACWA has prepared this Drought Response Toolkit to assist member agencies as they take action at the local […]

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Information Sheet posted for State Water Board Once-Through Cooling Policy Mitigation Measures Delegation Resolution

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board. An information sheet has been posted regarding the proposed resolution to delegate authority to the Executive Director of the State Water Board to approve, on a case-by-case basis, the measures that owners or operators of existing power plants utilizing cooling water intake structures shall […]

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Event Materials from CRI’s “Bay Area Water in Changing Climate” Event

Presentations, handouts and the participant list from the Climate Readiness Institute’s (CRI) “Bay Area Water in Changing Climate” event are now available on the CRI web site. The event also resulted in three action summaries based on participants’ input and a new handout on best websites for Bay Area drought and water information. You may access them […]

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