Category: Public Policy

CASA Connects Newsletter for December 21, 2015

December 21, 2015 Is Your Agency Ready For El Nino? CASA Executive Director Bobbi Larson In an interview with California Water Environment Association, CASA Executive Director Bobbi Larson discusses how agencies can prepare for the much-anticipated El Nino, including what to do in the case of a sanitary sewer overflow. Read more…  Congress Reaches Deal […]

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ACWA News for December 18, 2015

Dec. 18, 2015 ACWA News Available Online This issue features highlights from ACWA’s 2015 Fall Conference & Exhibition in Indian Wells Dec. 1-4. It also provides an overview of the Dec. 7 State Water Resources Control Board public workshop on the state’s emergency water conservation regulation. Other articles include: Save Our Water Wraps Up Historic […]

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Omnibus Drought Report Language

ARMY CORPS: Western Drought Contingency Plans.-The Corps of Engineers carries out water control management activities for Corps of Engineers and non-Corps of Engineers projects as required by federal laws and directives. These activities are governed by the establishment of water control plans. Many of these plans and manuals were developed decades ago and are required […]

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Wildfire: No Budget Overhaul, but ‘Borrowing’ Likely Averted in 2016

WILDFIRE: No budget overhaul, but ‘borrowing’ likely averted in 2016 Phil Taylor, E&E reporter Published: Thursday, December 17, 2015 While Congress’s fiscal 2016 spending package provides no long-term funding overhauls for wildfire, it does provide a one-time boost in suppression cash to prevent the disruptive practice of “fire borrowing.” The package would provide $2.1 billion for […]

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Notice of Proposed Emergency Rulemaking for Water Rights Fees for FY 2015-16

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board To Interested Parties: Click here to view the Notice of Proposed Emergency Rulemaking and here to view the proposed text of the emergency regulation.  These documents are also available on the Water Rights Fees website at:   Questions can be directed to the […]

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Forests: Wildfire-logging Deal Throttled by Senate ENR Leaders

FORESTS: Wildfire-logging deal throttled by Senate ENR leaders Phil Taylor, E&E reporter Published: Wednesday, December 16, 2015   A deal to reform wildfire spending and increase the pace of forestry work was left out of the fiscal 2016 omnibus package amid opposition from key Senate leaders and environmentalists, dealing a blow to the Obama administration and […]

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Western Water: Feinstein Touts “Progress” on Drought Bill

WESTERN WATER: Feinstein touts ‘progress’ on drought bill Debra Kahn, E&E reporter Published: Wednesday, December 16, 2015   Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) quest to introduce a bill addressing California’s drought continued yesterday when she sat down with federal officials responsible for ensuring compliance with the Endangered Species Act. Negotiations with California House Republicans fell apart late […]

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Notice of Stakeholder Meeting on January 19th, 2016 for Central Valley Pyrethroid Pesticides TMDL and Basin Plan Amendment

This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley (5). Please click here to view the notice of a stakeholder meeting on January 19th, 2016 for the Central Valley Pyrethroid Pesticides TMDL and Basin Plan Amendment.  

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Register for The Future of Freight: Mobilizing Regional Partners across the Bay Area

   The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) are hosting an engaging roundtable to discuss strategies to best position the Bay Area for funding and advocacy opportunities to address regional freight needs. This event, The Future of Freight: Mobilizing Regional Partners across the Bay Area, will cover several topics that we would like your input […]

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