ARMY CORPS: Western Drought Contingency Plans.-The Corps of Engineers carries out water control management activities for Corps of Engineers and non-Corps of Engineers projects as required by federal laws and directives. These activities are governed by the establishment of water control plans. Many of these plans and manuals were developed decades ago and are required to be revised as necessary to conform to changing requirements. Continuous examination of regulation schedules and possible need for storage reallocation within existing authority and constraints would be beneficiai, with emphasis placed on evaluating current or anticipated conditions that could require deviation from normal release schedules as part of drought contingency plans. Not later than 90 days after the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall provide to the Committees on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress a report including the following information for any western State under a gubernatorial drought declaration during water year 2015: (1) a list of Corps of Engineers and non-Corps of Engineers (section 7 of the 1944 Flood Control Act) projects that have a Corps of Engineers developed water control plan; (2) the year the original water control manual was approved; (3) the year for any subsequent revisions to the project’s water control plan and manual; (4) a list of projects where operational deviations for drought contingency have been requested and the status of the request; (5) how water conservation and water quality improvements were addressed; (6) a list of projects where permanent changes to storage allocations have been requested and the status of the request.
RECLAMATION: Funding provided under the heading “Western Drought Response” WESTERN DROUGHT RESPONSE — — – 100,000,000.00” may be allocated to any authorized purpose, but shall be allocated to those activities that will have the most direct, most immediate, and largest impact on extending limited water supplies during current drought conditions. Reclamation is encouraged to use ali available authorities to provide for additional water supplies through conservation, minor changes to the operations of existing projects, drilling emergency wells, or other means authorized under current law. This additional funding may be used alone or in combination with any other funding provided in a program, project, or activity. Not later than 45 days after the enactrnent of this Act, Reclamation shall provide to the Cornrnittees on Appropriations of both Houses of Congress a report delineating how these funds are to be distributed, in which phase the work is to be accomplished, and an explanation of the criteria and rankings used to justify each allocation.
Tags: drought, federal, water