Category: Public Policy

Clean Water & Jobs for CA Opposes Proposition 53

September 20, 2016 For Immediate Release Contact: Steven Maviglio, 916-607-8340 CLEAN WATER & JOBS FOR CALIFORNIA OPPOSES PROP 53 Group Says It Could Imperil Water Projects Across State   SACRAMENTO – Saying it could threaten a wide range of water projects throughout the state, Clean Water & Jobs for California today announced its opposition to […]

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Materials for Central Valley Pyrethroids TMDL & Basin Plan Amendment Stakeholder Meeting

Materials for the upcoming stakeholder meeting on September 26 are now available. The meeting notice, agenda, and discussion materials (Draft Basin Plan language) will be posted shortly on the project website under the “Public Meetings” heading. Time and location Central Valley Water Board office Training Room Monday September 26, 2016 9 am – 12 pm

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Notices Regarding Amendment to Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan & Substitute Environmental Document

Click here to view the Notice of Filing and Recirculation, Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment and Notice of Public Hearing on a proposed amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary (Plan Amendment) and the supporting Draft Revised Substitute Environmental Document (SED). A public hearing to receive […]

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House Likely to Consider WRDA Next Week

WATER POLICY:  House could take up WRDA next week Marc Heller, E&E reporter Published: Thursday, September 15, 2016 The House could take up its own version of a water projects bill as soon as next week, congressional aides said yesterday, setting the stage for negotiations with the Senate over financial help for Flint, Mich. A […]

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State’s Largest Paper Joins Others in Saying No to Proposition 53

September 15, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steven Maviglio, 916-607-8340 LOS ANGELES TIMES EDITORIAL: VOTE NO ON PROP 53 State’s Largest Paper Warns “The Potential Damage to Local Control is Real” LOS ANGELES — Noting “the potential damage to local control is real,” the Los Angeles Times today urged its readers to vote No on Proposition […]

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San Diego Union-Tribune Urges Readers to Vote No on Prop 53

September 14, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steven Maviglio, 916-607-8340 SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE: PROP 53 IS A “CUMBERSOME MESS” Editorial Notes Attack on Local Control, Failure to Exempt Emergencies SAN DIEGO — The San Diego Union-Tribune today urged its readers to vote NO on Proposition 53, calling it “poorly written” and a “cumbersome mess” that […]

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Join Downey Brand for Webcast on CA Industrial Storm Water General Permit

WEBCAST: What to Know for the Next Wet Season and Beyond Join the Downey Brand Storm Water Team – Melissa Thorme, Nicole Granquist, Don Sobelman and Sophia Belloli; and Scott Bourne, QISP and Principal Engineer at CDIM Engineering, Inc. for a one-hour webcast focusing on the California Industrial Storm Water General Permit.  Two different webcasts are […]

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Notice of Public Workshop: Uniform Water Recycling Criteria for Direct Potable Use

   This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board A Notice of Public Workshop  on the Draft Report to the Legislature on the Feasibility of Developing Uniform Water Recycling Criteria for Direct Potable Reuse. The Workshop dates are scheduled for October 4, 2016 (Southern California) and October 6, 2016 (Northern California).

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