Category: Public Policy

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act: A Letter from Andrew D. Sawyers

Dear colleagues, Over the past two years, EPA has focused on setting up the administrative structure necessary to launch the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program.  Today, I am very excited to announce that Administrator McCarthy signed two rules to establish the administrative structure necessary to offer credit assistance under the WIFIA program. […]

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Court upholds protections for Arctic bearded seals based on climate change projections

Click here to read the opinion released yesterday by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the ESA listing of the Arctic bearded seal based on projections that climate change would severely threaten their habitat by the year 2095. LA Times article on the matter can be read here:  

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BCDC Commission Meeting on November 3, 2016

Dear Commissioners, Staff, and Public: BCDC posted on its website the following November 3, 2016 Commission Meeting Notice Applications for Permits, Federal Consistency Actions, and Amendments Commission Consideration of Administrative Matters Consideration of and Possible Vote on the Enforcement Committee’s Recommended Enforcement Decision Involving Proposed Stipulated Cease and Desist and Civil Penalty Order No. CCD […]

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