- Water Deeply: The Two Biggest Challenges to Groundwater Recharge in California
- Associated Press: Report Finds Industrial Chemicals in Water Supply More Toxic Than Thought
- News Review: California’s forests are choking
- Stanford: Adapting to Change: Recommendations for Improving U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Reservoir Management
- Chico Enterprise-Record: Earth being moved to Hamilton City levee
- Capitol Weekly: A deep dive into groundwater, desalination
- Santa Maria Sun: Waterwise: Twitchell Management Authority gives update on Santa Maria groundwater while wary of fluctuating future
- San Mateo Daily Journal: Water quality at Marina Lagoon, three coast-side beaches affected by runoff and other factors
- ABC7: Massive algae bloom covers Diamond Valley Lake
- Water Online: Turbidity’s Role in Water Quality: The Unfiltered Truth
- USGS: Water Use Across the United States Declines to Levels Not Seen Since 1970
- San Francisco Chronicle: Editorial: Not just a theory
- Agency France-Presse: Loss of Earth’s intact forests speeds up: scientists
- Fresno Bee: Opinion: Ruinous rodent threatens state’s wetlands and levees. We’re not doing enough to stop it
- Los Angeles Times: Opinion: A vote for three Californias is a vote for endless water wars
- Highland Community News: The grand exchange
- My News LA: Riverside County Supervisors Endorse Water Management Plan
- KPCC: SoCal Edison unveils new center to prevent wildfires
- Maven’s Notebook: SCIENCE NEWS: Report: Restoring Franks Tract; ‘River Jedi’; The salmon struggle for survival out of the San Joaquin River; New model of Chinook salmon populations better accounts for errors; New NOAA Fisheries plan adopts ecosystem management principles; and more …
- Bay Institute: Maven to be honored with the 20th Harold Gilliam Award for Excellence in Environmental Reporting
- KUSI: City of San Diego receives national award for using recycled water to make beer
- Sonoma Times: Groundwater regulations expand for Sonoma County
- UoP: Economist Jeffrey Michael honored for impactful water research
- PW Magazine: A Service of Extremes
- Science Daily: Political leaning influences city water policies as strongly as climate
- Pleasanton Weekly: Zone 7 recognizes Greci for 24 years of service