- Reuters: Continental Resources CEO Harold Hamm pulls out of OPEC meeting
- Washington Examiner: Trump’s steel tariffs threaten multibillion dollar expansion of US, Canadian pipelines
- Reuters: U.S. oil pipeline companies, producers seek relief from steel tariffs
- Financial Times: Oil producers face their ‘life or death’ question
- StateImpact Pennsylvania: Study: Bradford County water quality improving despite shale gas drilling
- Law360: Calif. Unveils New Gas Production Pipeline Regs
- The Associated Press: California lawmakers debate creating regional electric grid
- The Wall Street Journal: How a Florida Utility Became the Global King of Green Power
- Utility Dive: Should the regulatory two-step give way to a new, performance-based dance?
- The Nevada Independent: Advisory committee’s advice on how to implement the Energy Choice Initiative
- Utility Dive: FERC rejects Mountain Valley challenges, dividing again over climate, pipeline need
- Electric Light & Power: Automakers Join Utilities in Electric Vehicle Accord
- Bloomberg: Tesla Car Fire Examination to Be Observed by U.S. Safety Agency
- CNBC: Elon Musk emails employees about ‘extensive and damaging sabotage’ by employee
- Bloomberg: Tesla Flags Over 500 Job Cuts at California Headquarters, Plant
- Vanity Fair: Why Is the Electric-scooter King Selling His Shares?
- The Associated Press: EPA Shifts Oversight of Coal Waste to a State for 1st Time
- Bloomberg Environment: Nuclear Executives Says Industry Helped Hasten Decline
- Financial Times: Audi CEO temporarily steps aside