- Sacramento Bee: Area water storage projects get boost in funding
- Sacramento Bee: One stretch of river could decide Shasta Dam’s future
- Water Deeply: Fewer Trees, More Water: Study Finds Runoff Boost from Forest Thinning
- California WaterBlog: Improving Urban Water Conservation in California
- Oroville Mercury Register: Oroville Dam: ORAC votes to try to change settlement agreement
- Daily Republic: Push on to get twin tunnels finalized by year’s end
- KRCR News: Debate emerges over how to cover costs for Oroville spillway repair
- Western FarmPress: Unfavorable review may jeopardize Oroville funding
- Bakersfield.com: Carcinogen widespread in Kern County, California but unlikely to pose health risk
- The Aggie: The waters beneath our feet
- Daily Republic: Twain’s whiskey and water adage still relevant to Delta
- University of Oregon: UO duo finds way to predict shifts in watersheds as climate changes
- San Francisco Chronicle: Opinion: Invest in watershed, not dams
- Ozy.com: Severe Weather Ahead: She’s Predicting the Next Climate Crisis
- San Francisco Chronicle: Inside the $4.1 billion California measure that thinks small to fix parks, waterways
- SF Gate: 1,400 acres of Bay Area redwood forest will soon be opened up to the public
- Imperial Valley News: Assemblymember Garcia Hosts State Hearing To Ensure the Successful Implementation of the Salton Sea Management Plan
- Auburn Journal: Pre-fire season trim for Auburn’s canyon rim to save homes, lives
- Press Democrat: Final fire lot cleared in Coffey Park
- Sacramento Bee: Opinion: Logging in Klamath National Forest won’t stop wildfires. Let it recover naturally
- The Telegraph: Raise your glass to America’s magic valley
- Turlock Journal: May is Water Awareness Month
- Water Education Foundation: Plunge into the Ecology of California Fish on our Bay-Delta Tour May 16-18
- Maven’s Notebook: DAILY DIGEST, weekend edition