- Water Deeply: Feds Push to Raise Shasta Dam, but Would It Ease California Water Woes?
- San Francisco Chronicle: Illicit pot growers are polluting state, even with new law
- Water Deeply: Deeply Talks: Protecting Native Fish in the Delta
- KQED Science: Like It or Not, the Water Is Coming: Will the Bay Area Defend Against Rising Seas, or Embrace Them?
- Maven’s Notebook: METROPOLITAN BAY DELTA COMMITTEE: California Water Fix forms the Design and Construction Authority; the Collaborative Science and Adaptive Management Program
- Chico Enterprise-Record: New set of scores released for water bond projects
- The Reporter: Assemblyman Jim Frazier urges Sens. Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris to oppose tunnels
- High Country News: Interior revives the push for a higher Shasta Dam
- Oroville Mercury Register: Oroville Dam: DWR attempts to quash Butte County lawsuit
- Bakersfield.com: Opinion: The costliest infrastructure project in recent history won’t be on your ballot, but you can still be heard
- Mercury News: Environmentalists’ lawsuit to drain Hetch Hetchy Reservoir heads back to court
- Coastal View: State labels Carpinteria groundwater high priority
- San Francisco Chronicle: Farrell wants agencies to use less water
- Nexus Media: The Snow Drought in California Is Fueling Wildfires, Floods, & Mudslides
- Napa Valley Register: Your water: Who has your back?
- KQED Science: Measure P: Foster City’s $90 Million Tax to Defend Against Rising Seas
- Press Democrat: Opinion: Will a resurgent California make the right choices?
- Associated Press: Can this bird adapt to a warmer climate? Read the genes to find out
- Entomology Today: Cold-Season Temperature and Rainfall Drive Climate Suitability for Ticks in California
- Marin Independent Journal: Marin gets thousands for projects to combat sea-level rise
- Grist: New documentaries bring climate change to the big screen
- WeatherWest: Wrap-up of California’s dry/warm winter
- Daily Democrat: Fremont Weir groundbreaking marks milestone for Yolo Bypass
- Tahoe Daily Tribune: 206-acre meadow acquired for large-scale restoration of Upper Truckee River watershed
- California Water Blog: Guest Species – What about the nonnative species we like?
- Los Angeles Times: Guest Species – What about the nonnative species we like?
- Turlock Journal: MID protests Turlock, Ceres’ river water treatment project
- The Cambrian: Cal Poly botany professor to speak at Cambria Forest Committee meeting
- Mother Nature Network: Opinion: California’s Prop 68 pledges to revitalize and create urban parks
- Bureau of Reclamation: Pathogen Monitoring Challenge – Stage 1
- Lake Tahoe News: TRPA confident shoreline plan on solid ground
- Lake Tahoe News: Chief of STPUD prepping for retirement