In a letter to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, BPC responded to the Regional Water Board’s recent resolution to adopt an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration and Tentative Order for overwater structures in San Francisco Bay. On January 8th, BPC members had the opportunity to sit down with Fred Hetzel, Environmental Scientist at the Regional Water Board, to receive an overview of the order and ask questions. After working with members from both the Dredging & Beneficial Reuse and Legislative committees, BPC drafted several recommendations for the Regional Water Board to consider, including comments on light-transmitting surfaces, work windows, and riprap. Overall, BPC believes this order will benefit applicants pursuing relatively small construction and maintenance activities for overwater structures in San Francisco Bay.
Click here to read the letter.
Tags: Dredging & Beneficial Reuse, policy updates, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, water