- Financial Times: Lithuania becomes first ex-Soviet state to buy US natural gas
- Alaska Dispatch News: Federal geologists launch efforts to update oil potential in ANWR and NPR-A
- Alaska Public News: Oil company sues over Alaska’s beleaguered cash-for-credits program
- Reuters: Refiner Valero’s secret campaign against U.S. biofuels mandates
- Reuters: Canadian oil sands producers: Heady days may not last long
- Financial Times: US power grid passes a test as eclipse reduces solar generation
- Utility Dive: Los Angeles muni speeds deployment of 20 MW battery storage project
- The Winston-Salem Journal: Triad economic projects gain $7.32 million in state grants
- CNBC: Solar energy stocks tanked today, but don’t blame the total eclipse, analysts say
- Utility Dive: Federal court rejects Allco’s rehearing request in challenge to Connecticut’s renewable RFP
- The Associated Press: Trump rebuffs coal industry; CEO claims promise broken
- The Hill: Trump administration halts research on mountaintop removal coal mining
- Washington Examiner: Trump officials celebrate first coal shipment to Ukraine
- The Independent: Solar panel capacity to overtake nuclear energy within months in historic landmark
- E&E News: North Korea nuclear ambition hikes threat to grid