- The Hill: Lawmakers push Interior to expand offshore drilling
- The Houston Chronicle: Manufacturers urge Perry to slow LNG exports
- Reuters: Saudi’s SABIC acquires Shell’s stake in its Saudi plant
- CNBC News: Superior dividends and great valuations: why investors should consider oil stocks
- Bloomberg: Climate Bonds Pioneered by Goldman Lure Storm-Plagued Cities
- The Guardian: Brooklyn’s social housing microgrid rewrites relationships with utility companies
- Bloomberg: China’s Growing Its Share of Southeast Asia’s Infrastructure Pie
- The Associated Press: Missouri regulators reject massive Midwest wind power line
- Quartz: Renewable subsidies are already paying for themselves
- CNBC News: Scotland’s largest solar farm gets approval
- Washington Examiner: Energy Department keeps spigot open for new coal mining ideas that help Silicon Valley
- Gilette News Record: Delegation says coal subsidy would be ‘devastating’ for Wyoming coal
- CNBC News: US coal exports are surging under Trump. Here’s why it probably won’t last
- Reuters: Booming thermal coal price on China demand cheers miners
- Reuters: Union Pacific to layoff 750 U.S. employees amid broader cost-cutting
- The Times Online: Poll: Overwhelming majority of Pennsylvanians oppose nuclear bailout by Legislature
- The Associated Press: Utility unsure when it will re-file plans to bail on project
- Platts: US Power Companies Have a History of Walking Away from Nuclear Projects
- The Spartanburg Herald-Journal: SC state senator worried another nuclear project could end