- Los Angeles Times: Walnut farmers file $15-million claim against California for Oroville Dam crisis
- Associated Press: Crews Start Emergency Levee Repairs Downstream From Oroville Dam
- KQED: Farmers File $15 Million Claim for Damages During Oroville Crisis
- KCRA Sacramento: Emergency repairs begin along Feather River downstream of Oroville Dam
- Central Valley Business Times: Governor’s Delta tunnels opposed by 3 Million-member group
- East Bay Times: Editorial: All-out effort to get twin tunnels passed must be stopped
- Sonoma Index-Tribune: Some Napa and Sonoma vineyard owners under new rule for storm …
- News Deeply: How Water Became the New Focus of Corporate Sustainability
- Gustine Press-Standard: Pilot project explores groundwater banking
- San Jose Mercury: Last Ghost Fleet ship leaves Suisun Bay after long pollution fight
- Cal Coast News: California regulators working on water rules for pot grows
- Phys.Org: New tool helps parched regions plan how to replenish aquifers
- NORCAL: Saving Whales Off The California Coast
- Sacramento Bee: 1.8 million California acres were set aside for frogs. Ranchers say decision ignores them
- Santa Rosa Press Democrat: Harmful algae still a problem at Russian River beaches
- San Francisco Chronicle: House-passed bill would eviscerate state water, environmental laws