- The Financial Times: Ecuador risks schism in Opec by admitting pumping above target
- Reuters: Next Mexico deepwater oil tender may draw from three Gulf basins
- Bloomberg: Oil Giants Make a Play for Millennial Hires
- CNBC: Oil output from US shale regions forecast to rise by 100,000 barrels a day for 5th straight month
- Bloomberg: What If Big Oil’s Bet on Gas Is Wrong?
- E&E News: Leaked text disappears from grid study
- RTO Insider: PJM: No Change on MOPR Yet; Remand May Have Little Impact
- Bloomberg: Solar Plants Aim to Keep Lights on at Night
- The Financial Times: California confronts solar power glut with novel marketplace
- CNBC: Nova Innovation explores tidal energy potential off north Wales coast
- The New York Times: Perry Praises ‘Clean Coal,’ but Trump Administration Policies Don’t Promote It
- The Associated Press: Judge orders tests, new plan for leaking coal ash site
- Axios: Big oil’s electric fight against coal and nuclear
- The Mainichi: Japan map showing potential nuclear waste disposal sites to be released