- The Wall Street Journal: From $2 Billion to Zero: A Private-Equity Fund Goes Bust in the Oil Patch
- Bloomberg: U.S. Seeks One57 Condo Cash in Nigerian Oil Corruption Case
- Alaska Dispatch News: Alaska Legislature passes last-minute oil tax deal, but capital budget is still pending
- Bloomberg: Oil Skeptics Let a Little Sunshine In
- WDRB: Chao talks Trump infrastructure plan in Louisville speech
- Bloomberg: Renewable Energy Not a Threat to Grid, Draft of U.S. Study Finds
- The Charlotte Business Journal: Duke Energy will build three utility-owned solar projects in Kentucky
- Fortune: A $5.25 Million Self-Powered Hydrogen Boat Has Set Off on a 6-Year Trip Around the World
- Washington Examiner: EPA mulls unions’ ideas for a Trump ‘clean coal’ power plan
- Reuters: China June coal output rises as summer power demand heats up
- Salon: Rising from the ashes, a Buffalo suburb ends its dependence on coal
- E&E News: DHS sorts through ‘mountain’ of data on energy cyberthreat
- RTO Insider: Illinois Zero-Emission Credit Suit Dismissed
- Reuters: France must define possible scenarios to reduce nuclear: minister