- Bloomberg News: Trump Promotes a U.S. Gas Trade With India That Already Exists
- RTO Insider: Study to Weigh Aliso Canyon Shutdown
- S&P Global Platts: Cool temperatures to cut US natural gas demand in late June
- Utility Dive: Atlantic Coast Pipeline ‘in the homestretch’ despite continued protests
- Reuters: Oil up on weaker dollar, supply glut caps gain
- Utility Dive: New Hampshire regulators approve new net metering tariffs
- E&E News: When wind is the firmest thing
- Morning Consult: Utilities Need Storage to Keep Renewable Energy Growing
- The Associated Press: Coal on the rise in China, U.S. and India after major 2016 drop
- The Financial Times: Rio Tinto backs Chinese-led bid for Australian coal assets
- Time: Trump Has China to Thank for Recent Coal Industry Spike
- The Hill: Lobbying fight erupts over coal country bill
- The State: SCANA to extend nuclear plant evaluation until August
- The Hartford Courant: Millstone Owner To Assess Shutting Down Nuclear Plant