- The Financial Times: Trump looks to lift LNG exports in US trade shift
- Bloomberg News: OPEC Has Few Escape Routes From Another Bear Market in Oil
- CNBC: OPEC agreement will collapse next year, predicts Macquarie’s oil research chief
- RTO Insider: NG Lobby Goes on Offensive vs Coal, Nukes
- The Wall Street Journal: Oil Prices Edge Up as Big Producers Stick to Cuts
- RTO Insider: Western Utilities Bought 3X Planned Wind, Study Says
- The Drive: It’s Electric: Volvo Spins Off Polestar Into Performance EV Brand
- The Billings Gazette: Montana has the smallest renewable energy incentives in the region after regulator’s vote
- USA Today: Murray Energy sues John Oliver, HBO over coal-industry story
- Politico: Black Appalachia
- The State: End $14 billion SC nuke plant project, critics say
Tags: climate, coal, energy, nuclear, oil, renewable