- Reuters: Exxon calls NY prosecutor’s climate change probe ‘harassment’ in filing
- The Wall Street JournalThe New York Times: Qatar Renews Commitment to OPEC Oil-Cutting Strategy
- Economic Times: US natural gas exports to offer hedge against Russia: Energy Secretary Rick Perry
- Capital Gazette: State to monitor air quality near Pasadena power plant by this fall
- The Associated Press: Competition for offshore wind ramps up in Massachusetts
- Australian Business Review: Finkel report could lift solar, wind costs
- Financial Times: Glencore makes counterbid for Rio Tinto’s Australian coal assets
- Washington Examiner: Coal industry could be in store for a ‘rare earth’ reboot
- NPR News: Town That Helped Power Northwest Feels Left Behind In Shift Away From Coal
- The Associated Press: Toshiba to pay $3.68 billion for Westinghouse reactors in U.S.
- The Associated Press: Indian Point power plant to shut down to replace leaky water seals
- State Journal-Register: Clinton reactor at full power a year after closing threat
- The New York Times: Finland Works, Quietly, to Bury Its Nuclear Reactor Waste