- Sacramento Bee: Why is the state withholding asbestos records at Oroville Dam?
- Capital Public Radio News: Design Plans Approved For Lake Oroville Spillway
- Catholic Online: Could DWR forfeit the FEMA & CA customer’s $500 million in …
- KRCRTV.COM: Spillway crews not expecting delays with June storm
- USA TODAY: California’s endless winter: 8 feet of snow still on the ground in June
- The Wahkiakum County Eagle: Study: Acidified ocean water widespread
- Oroville Mercury Register: State reports on water savings during April
- Monterey County Herald: Peninsula water authority, Marina officials in talks over Cal Am desal …
- Santa Barbara Independent: Ready for Recycled Water?
- Sacramento Bee: Here’s the right strategy for California’s next drought
- The San Gabriel Valley Tribune: End of drought could mean the beginning of a busy wildfire season …
- KHTS Radio: CLWA Releases Report On Santa Clarita Water Supply, Quality
- Desert Dispatch: Voters have spoken on divisive water issue
- ACWA News: Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill Becomes Two-Year Bill