- Sacramento Bee: ‘Huge milestone’ for Delta tunnels – feds say they won’t push fish over the brink
- The Latest: US gives initial OK to California water tunnels
- Los Angeles Times: Federal agencies greenlight proposed delta tunnel project
- Associated Press: California big tunnels win early approval. Questions remain
- San Francisco Chronicle: Key federal agencies clear way for proposed delta tunnel project
- Capital Public Radio: Assembly Bill Would Ease Imposing Of Stormwater Fees On Property Owners
- NBC Bay Area: Beach Report Card: California’s 10 Most Polluted
- News Deeply: How California Got Its First Groundwater Market
- KEYT: $1.9 million dollar grant awarded to help farmers trade water supplies
- GrindTV: Lake Tahoe water level approaches max limit after heat wave
- PPIC: The Changing Face of California’s Water Leadership
- KQED: Wet Winter Ups the Ante for Pacific Crest Trail Hikers