- Financial Times: BP cuts chief’s pay by 40% to $11.6m to avoid shareholder revolt
- Reuters: Iran struggles to expand oil exports as sea storage cleared
- Syracuse Post-Standard: National Grid service shutoffs soar; utility urges Trump not to ax aid to poor
- The Associated Press: Michigan Power Plant Plans $500M Expansion
- The Associated Press: Investment in renewable energy dips globally as prices fall
- Christian Science Monitor: ‘More for less’: Renewable power surges into mainstream as costs fall
- Time: Coal’s Last Kick
- The Associated Press: Officials say the Navajo Nation could lose more than $28 million a year in revenue if the Navajo Generating Station is allowed to close.
- Reuters: U.S., Japan in talks to prevent China acquiring Westinghouse: U.S. official
- Bloomberg Politics: Fmr. Sec. Moniz Says U.S Needs to Be Nuclear Power Player