- Twin Falls Times-News: Northern California sees new record for wettest winter
- Lake Tahoe News: Purity of Lake Tahoe water a source of pride – Lake Tahoe NewsLake …
- Los Angeles Times: One key way soggy California could save water for the next rainless …
- Delta Confluence: April DSC meeting sparks heavy interest, confusion | Delta Confluence
- Las Vegas Review-Journal: Water again flowing through damaged Oroville spillway
- Los Angeles Times: More rainstorms prompt the reopening of the damaged Oroville Dam spillway
- Manteca Bulletin: 3 bids received to fix Oroville Dam
- UGA Today: Migration from sea-level rise could reshape cities inland
- Here And Now: Why California’s Wet Winter Doesn’t Solve Its Long-Term Water Problems
- New Scientist: California’s wet year eases drought but many still lack water
- NPR: From Moonscape To Lush: Photographs Capture California …
- Gizmodo Australia: Look At The Profound Difference Between California’s Drought And …
- Porterville Recorder: Commentary:Underground overwatering no assurance of security
- Santa Cruz Sentinel: USGS finds vast reserves of salty water underground in California
- Lake Tahoe News: STPUD, SLT officials embracing renewable energy – Lake Tahoe News
Tags: California, policy, water