From US EPA Region 9: San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund 2017 RFP coming soon!

  • Water
  • by BPC Staff
  • on February 9, 2017

Dear Interested Parties,

We are pleased to inform you that U.S. EPA Region 9 (EPA) expects to soon issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals for projects to protect and restore San Francisco Bay and its watersheds.  EPA has managed this competitive grant program since 2008, known as the San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund (SFBWQIF) to improve water quality and restore wetlands. To date, EPA has awarded over $44 million to support 61 projects. These projects include an additional $153 million in leveraged funds to restore wetlands and water quality, and green development. Green development practices use natural hydrologic processes to treat polluted runoff. Information on these projects and past RFPs is available on the EPA SFBWQIF website.


The upcoming RFP expects to make available approximately $4.5 million to support projects in the range of $500,000 to $2,000,000.  Eligible applicants include: State and local government agencies, districts, and councils; regional water pollution control agencies and entities; State coastal zone management agencies; public and private universities and colleges; and public or private non-governmental, non-profit institutions.  Applicants must provide a minimum 50% non-federal match and projects must be within the nine Bay Area counties that drain to San Francisco Bay. We will send a subsequent email announcing the RFP availability.  You may also check our website for the RFP and additional program information.  Shortly after the RFP is released, we will hold a free webinar to provide a detailed review of the RFP and answer your proposal submittal questions.  Please forward this announcement to any other interested parties.  If you would like your email taken off this mailing list, please let me know by emailing back.



Luisa Valiela, US EPA Region 9

Phone: (415) 972-3400                                



Erica Yelensky, US EPA Region 9

Phone (415) 972-3021



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