- Sacramento Bee: After years of drought, Sacramento confronts an old foe: Flood risk
- San Francisco Chronicle: Month’s rains swamp most years’ January figures
- Reading Eagle: The Latest: Sierra Nevada faces ‘high avalanche danger’
- Fox News: The Latest: Floods sweep through California mountain towns
- Roseville, Placer to join Sites Reservoir effort. What it means for water storage plan.
- WIRED: A Wet Year Won’t Beat California’s Never-Ending Drought
- San Francisco Chronicle: SF needs to plan for drier future
- News Deeply: How California Can Make the Most of Its Rainfalls
- Valley News: California’s water outlook is brighter, but …
- iTech Post: California Storm: Flood Waters Swept Through California Mountain …
- Long Beach Press Telegram: Desalination is no longer a pipe dream in Southern California
- Central Valley Business Times: VIDEO: Who should pay what to shore up Delta levees?
- California Water Blog: Episode 1: “Unraveling the Knot” Water movement in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Lake Tahoe News: Resorts closed, travel in Tahoe dangerous
- Maven’s Notebook: RESERVOIR AND WATER CONDITIONS for January 23, 2017