- Sacramento Bee: With environmental review finalized, could construction on the Delta tunnels begin in 2018?
- Powerful storm brings road closures and record rainfall to Southern California
- Farmers score in battle over diverting Klamath River water for endangered species
- Los Angeles Daily News: A big reason for Southern California’s drought has dissipated; now the ‘door is open’ for more winter storms
- The Union of Grass Valley: Obama signs bill securing $415M for Lake Tahoe
- Today’s News-Herald: Colorado River group gets update on drought conditions
- The Mercury News: Fire and rain: California drought eased, but…
- Valley News: Statewide water savings exceed 19 percent in October while most of …
- Santa Maria Times: Risky path, Blame, Water woes
- Environmental Leader: How Toyota, Novelis and Nestle Reduce Water Use Across Operations
- Valley News: Low storage levels, drought cause Rancho California Water District …
- San Francisco Chronicle: Millionaires sue Hillsborough over tiered water rates
- Santa Rosa Press Democrat: Seasonal water supply levels exceeded at Lakes Sonoma, Mendocino
- Mohave Valley News: Firefighters keep up with storm challenges
- HPPR: Model predicts aquifers around the globe will be depleted of water in …
- Union Democrat: Groundwater find not a Christmas gift, after all
- Environmental Leader: Shell Oil Will Pay $22 Million to California City for Chemical in …
- News Deeply: Humans Are Missing in Delta Restoration Plan
- Ventura County Star: County gets $3 million for Matiljia Dam removal
- The Mercury News: Point Reyes: Migrating whales return to action after last season’s …
- The San Diego Union-Tribune: Trump, water policy and California: Big changes coming?
- Los Angeles Times: Should grizzly bears be brought back into the Sierra Nevada?