WEDA’s 2017 Dredging Summit and Expo, June 26-29, 2017

The Western Dredging Association (WEDA) will host its 2017 Dredging Summit and Expo at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver from June 26-29, 2017. The theme for this year’s conference is “Dredging the Americas“, which will focus on the environmental and commercial impacts of dredging in North, Central and South America. Included in the dredging conversations will be the critical economic need for dredging, the importance of enhancing the marine environment, trends in dredging technology and safety, as well as historical dredging development.

We are pleased to make the First Call for Papers. The technical sessions at the Dredging Summit and Expo are the premiere venue to discuss the science and practice of dredging. Interested authors are invited to submit one page abstracts (less than 400 words along with a descriptive title and author(s) contact information). The deadline to submit abstracts is January 1, 2017. Abstracts are to be submitted online at WEDA’s new Dredging Summit & Expo website,

The Technical Papers Committee will review all abstracts and notify authors of acceptance and provide final manuscript instructions for production of the Dredging Summit & Expo ’17 proceedings. Submission and acceptance of an abstract means that one or more of the authors MUST register, attend the Dredging Summit & Expo, and give the presentation in English.

Abstracts presenting both practical applications as well as applied research are encouraged. Topics may include but are not limited to:
  • Improving Dredge Safety
  • Innovative Equipment and Techniques
  • Dredging Research & Education
  • Budgeting & Cost Estimating
  • New Dredging Equipment
  • Dredging for Flood Control
  • Geotechnical Aspects of Dredging
  • Navigation Channel Design
  • Treatment of Dredged Sediments
  • Land Reclamation
  • Surveying & Mapping
  • Dredging for Beach Nourishment
  • Environmental Dredging & Capping
  • Deep Sea Mining/Dredging
  • Beneficial Reuse of Dredged Sediments
  • Abstracts Deadline
  • Notification of Acceptance
  • Draft Manuscripts to be submitted
  • Reviewer Comments to Authors
  • Final Manuscripts to be submitted
  • January 1, 2017
  • January 15, 2017
  • February 15, 2017
  • March 15, 2017
  • April 26, 2017
Robert Ramsdell
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company
Donald Hayes, Ph. D., P.E.
University of Las Vegas Nevada

Walter Dinicola, P.E.
Anchor QEA, LLC

Paul Fuglevand, P.E.
Dalton, Olmsted & Fuglevand, Inc.

Shelly Anghera. Ph. D.
Anchor QEA, LLC

If you have any questions regarding the “Call for Papers”, please contact myself or any of the members of the WEDA Technical Papers Committee. All other inquiries, please email


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